
Community Education Classes

The Urban Tree Alliance is hosting a couple of community education classes in the coming months. We’re partnering with Community Groundworks to offer classes on Tree Identification and using tree limbs to make Green Garden Decorations. Classes are free and open to the public; descriptions are below.


Join the Urban Tree Alliance and Community Ground Works for a Tree Identification Class! You’ll learn to identify trees and other plants common to the Madison area. Remember to bring comfortable shoes that can get dirty. We also recommend you bring water and a camera (for all the beautiful trees). Be advised that some terrain may prevent the passage of wheeled mobility devices. Tours begin promptly. All tours are free and will be led by a certified arborist!

Cost: Free
Saturday July 28th, 10 am; Thursday August 9th, 6 pm
Location: Meet at the red sheds (visible from Troy Drive) within the community gardens


Green Garden Decorations or Learn how to build a wood trellis or other title??
Come learn how to create a rustic wood trellis to use for growing your favorite summer vegetables or creeping vines. In this class you’ll learn how to use items found right in your backyard, like old twigs and branches to create a beautiful wood trellis. You’ll find that wood branches also are environmentally friendly and will create a virtually cost-free project while recycling outdoor waste.

Cost: Free

Date: TBD

Location: TBD

What to bring: